Të rinjtë e Forumit Tematik Rinor Lushnje mbjellin një kopsht
April 14, 2023
Youth Exchange on Natural Building in Mošorin, Serbia, 10th to 19th of June, 2023!
April 27, 20238 VOLUNTEERS (18 – 30 YEARS OLD) from EU countries, EaP region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Western Balkans (Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- NEET (Not in Employment, Education, Training) youngsters, conventionally unemployed, opportunity-seekers, available to commit for the full duration of the project;
Committed to promote Human rights, sense of solidarity, inter-cultural dialogue, volunteering and active citizenship and to reduce stereotypes/prejudices, racism, discrimination, social inequality, poverty; - Keen to develop within a multi-cultural environment;
- Motivated to acquire project management/writing, ICT and social media proficiency and events organizing skills;
- Able to impact COSI development and the community with passion and civic spirit;
- Curious about Romanian, EU, EaP and Western Balkan cultural diversity;
- At least conversational level of English.
- 240 Euro – Monthly income (pocket and food money);
- Apartments with shared bedrooms (two people by gender);
- International transportation and local Metro card;
- International health insurance for the whole period;
- Weekly mentoring meetings;
- Youthpass and VOLUNTpass certificates;
- Pre-departure, on-arrival and mid-term training;
- Support for VISA issuing process;
- Friendly team, fun atmosphere and a lot of learning.
Read here more about the projects: [pdf-embedder url=”https://pvnalbania.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Info-Pack-Eastern-Partnership-Volunteering-Program-4.0.pdf” title=”Info-Pack Eastern Partnership Volunteering Program 4.0″]
To apply follow the link: Application form – EPVP 4.1