Mauris sit amet aliquet arcu. Cras tellus augue, congue vel porta eu, interdum non massa. Proin pretium magna non elit fermentum et rutrum lacus venenatis. Proin ultricies, leo sit amet ullamcorper dignissim, velit tellus elementum tellus, at pharetra metus orci quis lectus. Nulla ipsum neque, porttitor sit amet tincidunt ac, ornare ut tortor. Aliquam at justo in risus ultricies volutpat at eget lacus. Nunc eu enim elit, sit amet eleifend ligula. Proin posuere egestas odio id egestas. Nam pulvinar blandit luctus. Integer a mauris vel tortor aliquam posuere a eu turpis. Nam a nulla nec lacus bibendum aliquet eu vulputate augue.

September 3, 2020

(T) Error Violence: Role of Gender and Youth: Training for Trainers and Facilitators

Moment’s from the international training "(t)Error Violence: Role of Gender and Youth: Training for Trainers and Facilitators" in Durres, Albania. The focus of the project consists on understanding and analyzing the role of youth in preventing violence and how girls and women are affected by radicalization. Promoting peace and developing regional collaboration by engaging and connecting people.
Pyetësor – Përceptimi i të rinjve mbi punën vullnetare
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