Phasellus at arcu et massa sodales rhoncus sit amet eu lectus. Curabitur et massa sit amet nulla placerat mollis ultricies eu nibh. Proin pharetra lorem eu nisi auctor blandit sit amet sit amet libero. Phasellus placerat pulvinar enim eu ultricies. Donec diam velit, mollis id blandit non, eleifend a nunc

September 3, 2020

(T) Error Violence: Role of Gender and Youth: Training for Trainers and Facilitators

Moment’s from the international training "(t)Error Violence: Role of Gender and Youth: Training for Trainers and Facilitators" in Durres, Albania. The focus of the project consists on understanding and analyzing the role of youth in preventing violence and how girls and women are affected by radicalization. Promoting peace and developing regional collaboration by engaging and connecting people.
Trajnim Kombëtar: Thirrje për pjesëmarrës
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