Campaign launch: “R.R.R”
January 12, 2023
DiCreNDi – International night
January 12, 2023Time to “RECONNECT🫂, REFLECT🙂💭, REBUILD🧩”
👉Young people, youth workers, activists and volunteers from 9 different countries are gathered in #Durres, #Albania with the aim to create a space for reflections and sharing experiences during the pandemic, exploring the proliferation of hate-speech and disinformation online🌐🤳 that seeks to distance us from each other and rebuild by instilling a sense of hope and positivity for the future.
Through the use of non-formal education methods this training is building capacities of participants to have an active role on building inner peace /well being and peaceful 🕊️☮️ society.
The project RECONNECT, REFLECT, REBUILD is implemented by PVN Albania with financial support of the European Youth Foundation of Council of Europe.
#eyfcoe #pvnalbania #training #youthwork #Reconnect #Reflect #Rebulid #socialcohesion