Job Vacancy Announcement
June 18, 2021
DiCreNDi- Training Course
June 26, 2021PVN Albania is implementing “SustainAble Volunteering Engagement SAVE 1.0 ” which aims to establish sustainable volunteering structures in local government institutions. Following this primary goal, at the core of this project is placed the trinome- “Local power – Civil Society – Citizens”. We believe that well-functioning of this trinome is crucial for developing long-term initiatives for a sustainable, inclusive and values based volunteerism.
Until now the first phase of the project “SustainAble Volunteering Engagement SAVE 1.0” is successfully concluded. In this framework PVN Albania organised a training which brought together representatives of local institutions, young people, representatives of civil society and active citizens, thus completing the above-mentioned trinome. During this training, participants from five cities of the country, developed their lobbying and advocacy capacities towards local institutions. The best lobby can happen when it come from bottom-up, and when the lobbyist is from the inside institutions we want to lobby. It was a week that merged non-formal education tools in understanding concepts, opening discussions, meeting experts, developing plans for the lobby, advocacy, and general awareness toward sustainable volunteering.
Upon completion of this training an online awareness campaign which has been disigned by the participants is launched. They will share their messages addressed to the citizens and local government institutions. Soon the participants will amplify the information and knowledge gained in this training to the communities where they work or are involved, through the organisation of the follow-up activities.
We are sure that at the end of this training, in addition to knowledge, all participants have created a network which will serve for future collaborations to implement important initiatives related to the establishment of structures for sustainable volunteering in local institutions.