Thirrje për pjesëmarrës Organi
January 11, 2023
Youth Exchange “Twichea Next-Gene
January 11, 2023⭕CALL for ESC Volunteers for the project “Societal empowerment in Silesia” – volunteering in Poland”
📍Place: Mysłowice, Poland
📍Coordinating Organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
📍Hosting Organisation: different partner institutions (Spanish language school, kindergarten, primary school, local cultural center etc)
📍Duration: 5 months
📍Dates: 15/01/2023 – 15/06/2020
👉Foundation of Entrepreneurial Society Development is an organization that cooperates with local volunteers and supports them in all activities that are offered to them in the foundation. We want to give them the possibility to achieve new competencies by taking part in projects abroad. The main aim is to help youngsters to enter the labor market without any difficulties. Apart from that, FRSP offers consulting in terms of acquiring finances for NGOs, self-government, and companies.
📈Project’s activities
🔺Running Spanish / English speaking clubs for students
🔺Presenting career possibilities in Europe, running workshops concerning entering the labour market in local partner institutions
🔺Running extra classes for children e.g. graphics, photography, film-making, music, cooking, sports, board games, and supporting in homework (it is up to volunteer’s skills);
🔺Running activities and playing games with children in kindergarten, running training courses, and workshops for students;
🔺Information meetings about the Erasmus +, European Solidarity Corps Programmes and volunteering projects, in different schools and Universities, during special and cyclical events;
🔺Help in office work (archiving the documents; project management and documentation; updating website and social media (FB and INSTAGRAM); visual documentation of projects and events: photography, film, music videos; Blog).
📝Volunteer’s profile
👥2 young people in age 18-30 years old. The project participant should be active, flexible, motivated, creative, and are interested in active participation and self-involvement. We are open to any person who wants to put him\herself out there, who is ready to face new challenges and gain new skills, by leaving an unforgettable experience abroad.
Read here more: https://volo.frsp.eu/en/2022/10/19/cross-cultural-education-in-silesia-volunteering-in-poland/
„Societal empowerment in Silesia” – volunteering in Poland – FRSP