Workshop: ECO-Consumption
May 14, 2023
Call for Volunteers under ESC Program, Marseille, France
May 15, 2023General Assembly: ECOLISE – The European Network for Community-Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability.
ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability, held its GA 2023, part of which PVN is from 2021! We are happy to announce that, although our journey together is short we were elected as Council’s Member of ECOLISE for 2 years.
ECOLISE is a coalition of organisations engaged in promoting and supporting local communities across Europe in their efforts to build pathways to a sustainable future. The members of ECOLISE include international, national and sometimes regional networks of community-based initiatives, as well as other bodies engaged in European-level research, training, communications or other activities to support community-based action on climate change and sustainability. By bringing these organisations together, ECOLISE seeks to establish a common Europe-wide agenda and a platform for collective action.