Çfarë është demokracia? Ky post
January 11, 2023
Angazhimi i të rinjve është domet
January 11, 2023👉Call for 2 long-term Volunteers, Ghent, Belgium🇧🇪
⭕Kwianis Europe is looking for 2 volunteers👥 (F/M/X) between 18 to 30 y.o who wish to support them for one year in their European office in Ghent, Belgium, starting from the beginning of January 2023.
🟢As volunteers, all your costs are covered by the European Programme ‘European Solidarity Corps’ (ESC), and by our organisation. The main purpose of the project is that you bring an added value to the organization and that you learn from this experience as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
🔷We are open for all young people, aged between 18 and 30 years to apply, from a country that is participating country in the programme:
• all Member states of the European Union (EU)
• non-EU participating countries Iceland, Rep. of North Macedonia, Liechtenstein and Turkey
• EFTA country Norway
• Partner countries neighbouring the EU that have an agreement with the EU (such as Albania, Bosnia i Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Ukraine…).
✅Follow the link to read more and apply for this vacancy: https://www.callforvolunteers.eu/esc/?fbclid=IwAR3Pj3n4Y5MPp3bR8nrom0dtqzCQwljGK_6mzEAWXGpGj7avk96WQ-S6T0I
European Volunteering (ESC) in Kiwanis Europe