Të Rinjtë, si e tashmja dhe e ard
January 12, 2023
PVN Albania po zhvillon Trajnimin
The consortium of 6 partners started the international project EMVIMIL, an Erasmus+ Youth 4 activity project, financed by the European Union and developed by @Asociatia Babilon Travel in partnership with @VIEWS International (Belgium), @Karabaglar Genclik Merkez (Turkey), Lifelong Learning Network, PVN Albania (Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare) and INSIDE EU (Ireland).
The project focus on supporting youth workers to develop quality activities, based on values like equality, equity, inclusion, access to education and culture, democracy, and human rights, including visually impaired youngsters in these activities, in order to increase their mobility, employability, and sense of entrepreneurial initiatives, capacitating in this way their independent living.
To achieve its objectives, a Study Visit is being held in Liege, Leuven, and Brussels, Belgium, between 8-14th of June, 2022 with a total of 24 participants taking part in the activities.
All the activities are held in the Erasmus+ spirit and are based on non-formal education methods and tools in an inclusive and adapted way, considering the presence of visually impaired/blind participants (study visits, working groups, debriefings, free discussions, workshops, teambuilding exercises, energizers, reflections, presentations etc.).
During the study visit, the participants will create a set of good practices in regard to in-door and outdoor activities with visually impaired/blind youngsters and proposals to improve infrastructure and services meant to include VIPs in their local communities.
#BabilonTravel #ErasmusPlus #Inclusion #IndependentLiving