Call for participants: Go natural
January 12, 2023
Reconnect, Reflect, Rebuild
👉 The pandemic disrupted our lives and isolated us from our friends and family, many suffered personal losses, financial problems, and difficulties due to the virus and restrictive lockdowns. Young people were greatly affected by the measures that saw them socially isolated, forced to adapt to online learning environments without real-life connection with their peers and educators.
👥 Social interactions, meeting friends and crushes, were limited. Travel plans were cancelled, those studying abroad were confined in unfamiliar countries miles from their families and opportunities to meet new people from different places disappeared.
🌐🤳 Disinformation, fake news and hate speech spread rapidly online as we each became confined to digital spaces.
The RECONNECT🫂, REFLECT🙂💭, REBUILD🧩online campaign was created by our participants from 9 countries, it addresses our thoughts on all of these experiences and inspires us to build a brighter future by learning from the pandemic.☮️
The project RECONNECT, REFLECT, REBUILD is implemented by PVN Albania with financial support of the European Youth Foundation of Council of Europe.
#eyfcoe #pvnalbania #tcampaign #youthwork #Reconnect #Reflect #Rebulid #socialcohesion