Call for Applications: Experience
January 12, 2023
The soil is drying, the water is
January 12, 2023🗣️ Call for Youth Workers: Training Course “Get in to get out”, 5th – 12th of October 2022, Serres, Greece!
🟢 In the last years, Europe 🇪🇺 went through the most difficult circumstances since the Second World War. We have been confronted with assassinations and extremism, a pandemic, and a war on the continent which has an economic influence on the whole of Europe. With this pressure, there’s a strong thread of competition, falling apart, and exclusion. That is why we need to prepare a strong and resilient new generation who is able to continue working on wealth and mental health which we are all aiming for.
This resilience🫂we find in our concept of Inner Leadership 💪. Inner Leadership (IL) supports basic principles such as stretching the comfort zone, confidence, creativity, resilience, transition
and personal empowerment.
🔺This training course aims for youth workers to learn themselves better. The self-knowledge will serve them in helping better the youth 👥 they work with in developing their unique talents and reassuring confidence which will help those young persons to find a better future (job, mental health, and social inclusion). The youth workers are in an obvious position to directly apply their gained knowledge of their work with young people after the TC.
👉 To read about the project, tread the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12DkoaIuiKfj4Ph2M_NBg_kFYdFnTrc1j/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106449144909517325166&rtpof=true&sd=true
✅ Find here the application form and send it to pvnoutgoing@gmail.com by the 20th of August: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lm-4IQ-Np4vZKVfqmXoBQW76iK9ZA8rf/edit