Thirrje e hapur për të rinjtë e B
January 12, 2023
Participants of Go Natural study
January 12, 2023➡️ Call for volunteers for 2 workcamps in Kosovo: Slava at Draganac Monastery and Creative activities with children and teens in Gracanica.
🔴 GAIA Kosovo is looking for volunteers to join their work camps in July and August:
👉 Slava at Draganac Monastery💒: Volunteers will learn about simple lifestyle in a remote area. Surrounded by nature, volunteers will learn from and about it. Kosovo has an abundant diversity of nationalities and nature, thus volunteers will have an opportunity to learn about its cultural and natural heritage. Since we will work very close to the monastery and within it, there will be plenty of time to learn more about the monastic way of living, Serbian Orthodox Church in general and their customs and traditions.
🔺Read more here: https://workcamps.sci.ngo/icamps/camp-details/15150.html
👉 Creative artistic activities with children and teens in Gracanica: During the workcamp, you will have the opportunity to experience working with a marginalized group, but you will also have the opportunity to exchange and learn from the other volunteers as well as from the children and the community. Being hosted by two organizations – GAIA and RVK, you will also have the chance to learn about their impact on the local communities, as well as about social injustices, Roma rights, environmental issues and more. The learning process is experiential and informal, and depends on how you engage in the activities and with the community.
🔺Read more here: https://workcamps.sci.ngo/icamps/camp-details/15248.html
📲 Whether you will be having any queries please contact us at: pvnplacement@gmail.com