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“You(th) Up for Intercultural Dialogue: Bridging Gaps and Fostering Regional Collaboration”
January 17, 2020On the framework of the project “Power of Dialogue: Intercultural Dialogue as Powerful Instrument for Youth Development and Mobility”, we are opening a call for 2 trainers and 2 facilitators for a week training course in Tirana, Albania from 2nd to 8th of February 2020.
The project aims to promote and facilitate intercultural dialogue and tolerance among young people, and to support the development of youth work and partnerships between youth organizations and schools in WB6. Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare and its partners are supported by RYCO within the second Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund.
The Training course aims to develop capacities of 24 youth workers and teachers on intercultural dialogue, and how to facilitate practicing intercultural dialogue among young people. During the training we will work on developing tools and methods on facilitating intercultural dialogue and summarizing this in a manual.
The main criteria for the trainers:
- Have experience more then 5 years on intercultural dialogue, intercultural learning promote regional youth mobility’s and exchanges
- Have experience in youth work, youth mobility’s and exchanges
- Have at least 5 years experience as trainer focused on non-formal learning tools
- Be able to understand and communicate in English language. The working language will be English
- Take to commitment to support participants to organize local workshops after the training with pupils and/or youth groups
One of the trainers should have a focus on intercultural learning and dialogue; and the other trainer in youth work.
The main criteria for facilitators
- Have experience more than 3 years on intercultural dialogue, intercultural learning promote regional youth mobility’s and exchanges
- Have experience in youth work
- Have at least 3 years experience as trainer focused on non-formal learning tools
- Be able to understand and communicate in English language. The working language will be English
- Take to commitment to support participants to organize local workshops after the training with pupils and/or youth groups
One of the trainers should have focus on intercultural learning and dialogue; and the other trainer in youth work
Tasks of the Trainers and facilitators
- Prepare the training program for the training course together with the other trainer and 2 facilitators
- Work closely with the project team
- Use non-formal learning tools during the training course
- Involve actively every participant during the training
- Be present during 5 days of training course
- Develop a manual of 30 pages on the tools and practices of intercultural learning and dialogue
- Edit the manual in the local language which will be translated by the partner organization
- Support participants during cultural learning-exchange
- Support participants in case of cultural shock or any challenge may face during the training
- Organize evening programs during the training course
- Support participants to develop products based on intercultural understanding which will be used for the online campaign
- Structure together with participants the follow up workshops
- Support participants after the training who will organize follow up workshops with ideas, materials if needed by them before or during the local workshops in the schools
- Submit a training report to the applicant and partner
- Make an evaluation report by summarising evaluation forms of the participants during the training course
- Submit the training materials to the applicant and partner
The working days: 7 full days ( 5 days to deliver the training; 1 day preparation, 1 day evaluation)
If you are interested to be part of the team please send your CV to projectspvn@gmail.com till 6 th of January 2020.
Note: The priority will be given to the organizations part of the consortium for this particular project
Note: *For the UN, all references to Kosovo shall be understood in the context of Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999). For RYCO, this designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with Security Council Resolution 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo
Declaration of Independence.