Ofrimi i shërbimeve sociale për grupet e marxhinalizuara, në vëmendjen e Bashkisë së Pogradecit.
January 14, 2022
Drejtësia Sociale – Koncepti që i hap udhë zhvillimit
January 31, 2022Training for Facilitators and Trainers
Durres, Albania, March 26 – 31, 2022
Are you a youth, youth worker or activities and willing to learn and practice intercultural learning
competencies, peacebuilding and anti-discrimination? Are you from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
North Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia, Romania or Poland? We invite you to apply for
the capacity building training organised in Durres Albania, from 26 to 31 of March 2022.
The project “Reconnect, Reflect, Rebuild” aims to connect young people, youth workers, activists, and
volunteers from across the continent in order to give them space to reflect and share their experiences
of the COVID-19 pandemic. The training will also explore the proliferation of hate-speech and
disinformation online that seeks to distance us from each other and finally we will work together to
rebuild from this difficult period by instilling a sense of hope and positivity for the future. In addition, it
aims to build capacities of participants to give them an active role in building inner peace/well being and
a more peaceful society.
The project is supported by the European Youth Foundation (EYF), implemented by PVN, Albania in
partnership with 8 other partners from Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia
Herzegovina, Poland and Romania.
The capacity building training will be based on non formal learning tools by an experienced team of
trainers and facilitators. The training will have 4 sections a day, we start each day at 09:00 and finish at
18:00, plus the evening program.
The project stages, where we expect active contribution of participants are:
● International training for 27 youth workers, young people, youth workers, activists or
volunteers, interested or actively involved in topics such as a) anti-discrimination, i.e. No Hate
Speech b) Peace building and regional collaboration c) Interested in exploring their own
experiences with others and working collaboratively with people of different backgrounds to
create podcasts, online campaigns.
● Sharing project outputs online, including podcasts, social media posts, etc
● Follow up peer to peer workshops in 5 to 8 different countries conducted by training
participants on the role of media /social media toward mental wellbeing and inner peace as a
way to seed peace and combat discrimination and hate
● Share 3 weeks of online social media campaigns sharing messages of hope/ resilience,
anti-discrimination and solidarity created by the participants of the training
Criteria for participants:
● Be from 1 of 8 mentioned countries and partner organisations: Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Poland or Romania
● Age from 18 to 30 (20 participants) and over 30 (7 participants)
● Be able to understand and speak English
● Be interested on the topics of peace, intercultural dialogue and regional collaboration
● Being able and motivated to organise follow up workshop in her/his own country
● Be active on sharing the project products podcasts, photos etc on social network / disseminate
the project outputs
● Youth workers should have at least 1 year of experience working in the field of youth on topics
such as anti-discrimination, voluntary work or intercultural dialogue.
If you are interested please fill the application form below until 7 February 2022