Call for Participants
February 28, 2022
Ftesë për Ofertë – PVN Albania – Konsortium
March 9, 2022Project “Magic Journey with Youth Hero(in)es” will gather 39 young people, mainly between 16 and 22 years old, from 6 different countries – Armenia, Albania, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal and Serbia; who will, for 7 days, live, work together and exchange knowledge, skills and attitudes on the topics of youth activism, values and empowerment. They will also share their ideas, culture and customs with young people between each other.
Location: Š A B A C , S E R B I A
Dates: 2 7 . S E P – 5. OC T 2 0 2 2
Participants Profile:
- 5 participants per country mostly between 16 and 23
years old + 1 experienced youth worker/leader (18+); - Resident in one of the eligible project countries;
- Interested and motivated in acquiring skills & competencies in art;
- Interested and motivated in cloths design, old crafts, video and theatre.
- ll participants must be committed to attend and participate in the full duration of the youth exchange;
- Willing to be part of a learning and developing community;
- Level of English required: basic to medium. Proficiency is not a must;
- Participants will be selected by the partner organization in the concrete country;
- Participants should be curious, open-minded, appreciate diversity and learn about each other’s realities
Deadline to apply for this youth exchange is 25th of August 2022. This Youth Exchange is for young people of age 16 to 23 years old.
Please note, there is no age limit for those that would like to apply as group leader.
Lest you have questions, please send an Emil to: pvnoutgoing@gmail.com