Call for Applications: ESC project “Social Wizards”
February 28, 2022
Call for Participants – Magic Journey with Youth Hero(in)es
March 6, 2022New Path To Inner Change
A training in Durres 13th – 20th of May 2022
New Path To Inner Change” aims to increase the awareness of personal strengths and authenticity among youth workers during a personal journey of self-discovery. From this individual reflection our participants take the active step of commitment with each other by sharing and experiencing. We stimulate our participants to support the young people they work with to guide them in their learning process as more resilient persons for their uncertain future.
We aim to share good practices and experiences among participants from 8 different countries: Albania Belgium , Italy , Latvia Slovenia, Portugal, Spain and Netherlands
Profile of the Participants
Participants will be youth workers, project leaders and educators involved in youth work. The participants will have a multiplier role – in other words: they will adapt what they learn in this training course to their own context of working with young people. In their future projects and daily work they can incorporate tools, methods and theories which they have learned during this Training Course. They can also use their personal learning and development in their daily work with their own target groups.
This Training Course will be an emotionally challenging project for trainers and trainees. That’s why we expect from trainees at all times the best of their abilities to…
… be fully committed to the process – to reflect, share, experience and participate in all activities
… keep a clear mind, that is neither intoxicated nor distracted
… we hardly encourage you to limit alcohol use during the TC and any kind of drugs is forbidden
… have taken care of important personal and professional matters beforehand (like applications, job interviews, meetings…), so that these do not intervene with the Training Course – please, be completely present with the group during the whole learning process!
… be on time for all the deadlines, sessions and appointments
… challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zones
… be willing to look into themselves and reflect on their professional and private life
… join us on an intensive, immersive and unforgettable journey
If you are interested to participate find below the application form. Please download the file and once you have completed all the questions send it to the email address: pvnplacement@gmail.com
Application Deadline: 15 March 2022