Thirrje për pjesmarrës!! Trajnim Kombëtar: Angazhim për Vullnetarizëm të Qëndrueshëm
May 20, 2021
Call for Participants!
June 12, 2021We are very excited to announce our call for applicants for our innovative and intercultural “The Stories We Share” podcast project! We are on the search for enthusiastic and motivated young people in Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia who are passionate about media and willing to record stories about their lives and interview others about theirs!
We envision that this project will strengthen cultural ties between the countries by producing an intercultural creative product that shows the connections and similarities between young people while combating the division and negative stereotyping that unfortunately exists in the Balkans.
The project is supported by the Regional Network for Cultural Diversity (READ) funded by the EU and implemented by PVN Albania in partnership with 3 organisations from Kosovo (InnovActive Center for Social Improvement), Serbia (AzBuki) and North Macedonia (AED EKVALIS).
The project aims to create a podcast series of audio diaries that captures the thoughts, inspirations and desires of young people in the Balkans. The chosen 8 participants (2 from each of the participating countries) will also get the opportunity to meet each other and work together in on the project during our offline training in Tirana.
We are looking for participants that can commit:
– to attending a 3 day online training via Zoom – June 25 – 27:
– to attending 3 day offline training in Tirana , travel, accommodation and food costs are covered by the project – July 17 -19
– to completing recording assignments during the project period (June to August)
More details about trainings:
Online training: “Capturing stories”
This training aims to equip participants with the knowledge and technical skills to record and create their own audio diaries. The training will be led by experienced trainers with experience in audio production and intercultural learning. Participants will become familiar with the format of audio diaries and learn how to record their own stories effectively.
Offline training: “Gathering stories”
During our meeting in Tirana participants will interview fellow participants, complete recording assignments in the city and gather together all audio diaries to create the final plan for the podcast series. They will also learn how to structure stories and the basics of audio editing.
Deadline for applications: 14 of June 2021
If you require an additional information please get in touch: projectspvn@gmail.com