Takim Lancues i projektit: Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Promovimi i Transparencës e Llogaridhënies në
January 12, 2023
Thirrje për pjesëmarrës PVN Al
January 12, 2023Call for Applications: Seminar “Play for peace”, 16-22.10.2022, Serbia
Play for Peace 2 – A critical look at games in educational work: Together with @volonterski_centar_vojvodine we are organising an international seminar on the role of games in learning, educational processes, working with groups. We will explore how games can help us when we are in the role of trainer, facilitator or youth worker. But also how games can help us to recognise stereotypes or even privileges that we are not sufficiently aware of.
The participants will be youth workers from Serbia, Central and Western Europe, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean countries.
The seminar will take place at the peaceful and green Katai farm in Mali Iđoš.
📅 Date: 16.10. – 22.10.2022 (the 23rd is the departure day).
📅 Applications are open until 11 September 2022.
💸 Transport from Novi Sad to Mali Iđoš, accommodation and meals will be covered by Erasmus +.
🌐 You can find the entire invitation here: https://t1p.de/2play22