Call for participants
October 9, 2020
Youth Exchange: Power of Dialogue
November 1, 2020Call for trainers
- Capacity building training for organizations online
- Youth Exchange online + offline
In the framework of the project “Power of Dialogue: Intercultural Dialogue as Powerful
Instrument for Youth Development and Mobility”
we will conduct the youth exchange online.
To ensure the quality of the youth exchange online, make a good interactions and connection
among young people; and be familiar with online tools/platform to be used in online exchanges
we will organize a capacity building training for facilitators and coordinators/youth workers of
the organizations participating in this project as consortium member.
In each CP we will have a facilitator as the local group will meet physically, and then connect
online with the rest of the groups in the other CP.
This design of the youth exchange is made to involve equally participants with fewer
opportunities who does not have access to internet and equipments for participating in the YE;
keep the dynamic of the group, encourage better the connection with peers; give communication
support for those youngsters who have difficulties in understanding and speaking in English etc.
In addition the local facilitators, we will have a trainer to increase the capacities of facilitators for
2 days, and all together make the program of the youth exchange, and 2 trainers for the hybrid
Youth Exchange ( local groups physically, and online for the regional group).
- 1 trainers will be hired to organize 2 days capacity building training for team ( 4 working
days , including the training , preparation and reporting) - And 2 trainers to organize 4 days youth exchange online ( 8 working days , including the
training, preparation and reporting)
The detailed criteria’s and task of the facilitators as follow:
Criteria’s for Trainers
- Have at least 5 years of experience on the topics of intercultural dialogue ,youth
collaboration, regional collaboration etc. - Understand and demonstrate intercultural dialogue an understanding, inclusion and
peace in the region while deliver training and youth exchange with young people - Have experience on youth work, youth mobility’s and youth exchanges in local, regional
or European level - Have experience with non-formal education tools
- Have knowledge and experience on using online platforms for online trainings and youth
exchanges - Respect and support equally participants in the training by showing solidarity, reflecting
inclusion and active involvement for all the backgrounds - Demonstrate values of youth work
- Have motivation to contribute to the regional collaboration, and encourage young people
toward this approach - Keep confidentiality
- Be able to work independently and in the group
- Be responsible, professional and correct on his/her tasks
- Good communication skills in English, as the activities will be in English
Tasks of the Trainer
- Take part on the capacity building training for facilitators and team of the organization in
15 and 16 of October 2020 - Prepare and adapt together with the other local facilitators and trainers the program for
the online youth exchange organized in very late October ( 29 October to 1 of November
2020) - Work very closely with the other trainer and local facilitators on preparation program and
tools for the regional youth exchange - Prepare the local group about the topics and methodology which will be used during the
online exchange - Use non formal learning tools during the youth exchanges, adapted for online mode ;
- Involve actively every facilitator and participants during the exchange;
- Be present physically with the groups in the local level at the CP the trainer is living, and
online during the al duration of the exchange hours - Coordinate the groups offline and online
- Organize sessions for the offline and online group
- Explore tools and methods which make good connections among young people in the
region during the YE - Facilitate the process of crating posters for the calendar and online camping
- Support the regional competition for the best posters created and help on voting process
and selection - Support on dissemination of the project products, results, visibility by encouraging
young people of YE to share posts and messages promoting peace, as well as share
themselves in their social networks - Submit a report to the applicant
- Make evaluation report by summarising evaluation forms of the participants during the
Please send your CV to info@pvnalbania.org till 12 of October 2020