Ftesë për ofertë
November 1, 2022
Vullnetarizmi është një mjet që p
November 1, 2022PVN Albania is looking for a Training Expert.
On the framework of the project “Sustainable community based reintegration of Albanian nationals returning from Syria”, PVN Albania is implementing the action “The Power of Volunteering”. For this action PVN Albania is looking for a trainer who will organize the sessions of the training which will last 2 day in Tirana, 3-4 December 2022. The working days will include also 2nd of December as preparation day, and 5th of December as a working day for reporting.
The project intends to address the absence of systematic collaboration between young people, local government, and the community in the three targeted areas of Kashar, Yzberisht, and Kukes, as well as the low engagement of young people with fewer opportunities in local decision-making processes. Young people must, on the one hand, have an impact on their peers, organisations, and the community.
Interested persons must apply until 15 November 2022 by sending CV and a cover letter at email address projectspvn@gmail.com.
Please find the Terms of Reference below: