Vizita Studimore ne Kristiansand,
January 12, 2023
January 12, 2023🗣️ Call for Applications: Beyond Neocolonialism-
Solidarity and activist training for youth workers
International training, 3 July online + 17-23 July in Vienna, 🇦🇹
👉 Europe is involved in global injustices, both historically through colonial history as well as in the present through ongoing economic and political injustices. European governments and companies have been enabling and driving unacceptable working conditions, land theft, genocides and civil wars, lack of access to vaccines and medication, the disappearance of cultures and languages, etc. in the Global South. It is more than urgent for Europeans to step up and raise awareness of European involvement in global injustices and to hold decision-makers in Europe accountable for these injustices.
👉 Are you a staff, activist, and volunteer from volunteering and youth organizations? Would like to learn the basics of campaign strategy, and how to launch successful social media campaigns, how to put pressure on decision-makers, and how to deal with the backlash?
🤔 Also are you motivated and willing to subsequently disseminate and promote the project outcomes within their organizations and local communities and develop new initiatives and projects on these topics in the future – with the support of your sending organizations?
🔴 If you are interested in joining the training, please fill out the application form by 25 May 2022. Your sending organization will get back to you after the deadline.
SCI Austria #erasmusplus #training