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January 12, 2023
Call for Applications: Seminar “P
January 12, 2023📍 Today was the last day of the training course: “New Path for Inner Change”
🗺️ Together with participants from 8 different countries 🇦🇱🇧🇪🇮🇹🇱🇻🇸🇮🇵🇹🇪🇸🇳🇱 we held the Training Course “New Path To Inner Change” in #Durres, #Albania with the primary aim to increase the awareness of personal strengths and authenticity 💪🏻 among youth workers during a personal journey of self-discovery.
📌 Through a 7 days long journey our youth workers took an active step of commitment 🤝 with each other by experiencing and sharing thoughts, new ideas and emotions 🗣️.
🔵 Through the use of non-formal education methods, this training built participants’ capacities to have a leading role in building inner peace /well-being for a more cohesive society and youth inclusion.
#trainingcourse #joetz #pvnalbania #erasmusplus #youthworkers #training #albania
The project is supported by Erasmus+, and partner organizations are: JOETZ vzw, Belgium; PVN Albania; Associazione Agrado – APS Italy; STICHTING DIGG OUT, Netherlands; Keep the Change, Latvia; AMARNA Vida, Lda, Portugal; ASOCIACION PROMESAS Promotora de Metodologías Educativas para una Sociedad Alternativa y Sostenible, Spain; Mladinski dom Jarse, Slovenia