Përfshirja e të rinjve në procese
January 11, 2023
Media outlets play a role in shap
January 11, 2023✅Youth Exchange “Magic Journey”🪄 taking place in Sabac, Serbia🇷🇸 , 27 September-5 October 2022.
⭕The youth exchange “Magic Journey”, started by testing our knowledge regarding the Erasmus+ with a quiz that everyone seemed to have information about. After some energizers with a LOT of hugs and HeHaHu, we took a short imaginary trip to our favorite countries. The afternoon caught us performing and putting on stage daily life scenarios of different ways of learning, the formal, non-formal, and informal ones. The rest of the afternoon was spent by participants from each country sharing their opinions and perspectives towards different social communities such as emigrants, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+.
🔺The cherry on the top for this day was the intercultural evening where every country did their best in representing their roots and cultures by bringing something from their home country. All these things considered, everyone had a lot of fun and also had the chance to represent and promote themselves to the other national groups.
👉 PVN is being represented by: Debora, Henri, Klest, Elbora and Dejvid 👥
#ErsmusPlus #YouthExchange #Partnership #Region #Empowringyoungpeople