Faleminderit Ambasada e Republikës
January 11, 2023
Aktivizmi rinor është një faktor
January 11, 2023📌 PVN had a visionary meeting with Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs today. Future collaboration in the areas of democracy, volunteering, and youth empowerment was the primary focus of the discussion. We discussed practical opportunities and the condition of democracy in Albania during the meeting.
➡️ Since 1971, 🇳🇴 Norway and 🇦🇱 Albania have collaborated on a bilateral basis. Regardless of the fact that Norway does not operate an embassy in Albania, it has greatly aided our nation’s development and humanitarian operations. As they see the Balkans as essential to the security and democracy of Europe, they are primarily interested in and focused on preserving regional stability.
📈PVN outlined its strategic goals and strategies for enhancing Albania’s democracy and social cohesion. By working cross-sectorally and utilizing all levels and types of volunteering, the consortium “Municipalities – Civil Society for Sustainable Volunteering” that we established aims to advance bottom-up democracy, active citizenship, solidarity, and social cohesion. This collaboration between civil society, local government, and individuals can be a powerful weapon for advancing democracy in our nation.
Despite the fact that Albania is making great strides toward democracy, there are still many issues that can be resolved through enduring and reliable 🤝 partnerships.
Oltiana Rama Lobi Euro-Atlantik Shqiptar – Norvegji
#pvnalbania #lobieuroatlantikshqiptar #BashkiaElbasan #volunteering #LocalDemocracy