We gladly invite you to participate in the training course “My Inner Compass” organized by our partner organization Stowarzyszenie Proaktywne and financed by the Erasmus+ Programme
📅 When: 30th June – 9th July 2023
Where: Gajrowskie, north-eastern POLAND, developmental centre Ośrodek rozwoju w Polu
About: this mobility focuses on developing self-awareness of youth workers (you can apply if you are a trainer, teacher, couch, social worker, leader, mentor or other similar).
We will develop deep understanding of our own true nature, work on our communication and patterns as well as build own authentic expression.
Countries involved: Albania, Egypt, Georgia, Italy, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Spain
📃APPLY HERE till 7th May, however keep in mind that we choose participants on the go so don’t linger: